In Loving Memory of
Frank Emerson Redman
Frank's greatest gift was his ability to cultivate deep and meaningful relationships with family and friends. No one was a stranger for long. Frank knew how to make each individual he met and talked to feel special. Whether you met him for the first or the hundredth time, you were always greeted with a big old hug, a radiant smile and a lot of playful banter. And follow that with someone who was an exceptional listener and gave sage advice - he was truly one of a kind.

Frank Emerson Redman - devoted husband, father, grandfather, uncle, cousin and friend - passed away suddenly at his home, with his wife by his side, on Saturday, January 14, 2023. He was 79 years of age. Frank and his wife, Linda, are long time residents of Boothbay, ME, but grew up in Bucksport, ME. Frank was born on February 20, 1943, to Robert Gayland Redman and Mary Arlene Grindle. Frank was blessed to have two older sisters, Joyce and Gloria, and one older brother, Rodman.
Missing you Frank, my best father-in-law ever. I am so glad that I was able to spend one on one time with you this Christmas. It was a blessing. Love you to infinity.
Frank made a lasting impression. He was lively, ever smiling and loved connecting with people. His warm personality made you feel at home and as if you had known him all your life. I think he excelled in every role he adorned; he will always be remembered for living life to the fullest.
Frank will be deeply missed and well remembered. I spent only a few days in his company during my mother’s hospitalization and her funeral. Always lively and joyful, Frank had an assuring presence to bring in a smile under most tense and stressful situations. Both of us had retired from armed forces on completion of 20 years of active service and had few wonderful stories to share in our short interaction.
He was the right example of what it means to be a Veteran and perfect gentleman.
We had the fortune of meeting Frank a few times over the last 2 decades during his visits to Pittsburgh . Every conversation was memorable. He was always fun, caring and true to his name, frank in every interaction. He will be deeply missed.
I have many fond memories of my grandfather that I will continue to cherish deeply.
He was a great storyteller. He knew when to add the pauses, when to lower his voice, when to speed up, and when to talk a little louder. I’ll miss hearing him talk with his Maine accent and all the wild and funny sayings and phrases he’d throw around.
Although we didn’t get to spend as much time together in-person since I reached adulthood, I always looked forward to hearing “well, hello there” when he’d answer the phone. He was a deeply caring person. Even through the phone I could feel the amount of love he had for me.
When I decided I was going to propose, my grandpa was the first person I told. I have been inspired in my own marriage by the way he would act in his marriage to my grandmother. Their love feels unmatched both in how deep it went for each other and for how it would expand to envelop those around them.
One of my favorite memories is watching my grandparents share an ice cream on their anniversary after taking us mini golfing one of the summers we stayed with them. I can remember thinking that I wanted exactly that too, one day.
He was an avid reader, and I enjoyed talking to him about the books he was reading, and I was always msytified with how quickly he could finish them.
He was very gentle and kind, and I’m thankful we were able to spend some time together this last month. I enjoyed being around him, hearing him talk, and watching him light up seeing all of his family around him. I’m grateful for all the time we had together and all of the conversations we’ve had. He was very loved and will be deeply missed.
Written at the Memorial from Shauni Wehner.
Written at the Memorial by Sophia Khera
Written at the Memorial by Sarah Waldron.
Written at the Memorial by Dawn.
Written at the Memorial by Sam Harris
Written at the Memorial by Donna Black.
Written at the Memorial by Maureen Harris.
Written at the Memorial by Payton Redman.
Written at the Memorial by Yvette “Redman” Gross.
Written at the Memorial by Braden Redman.
Written at the Memorial by Darren Redman.
Written at the Memorial by Conner Redman.
Written at the Memorial by Deanna Kneussle.
Written at the Memorial by Nancy Pierce.
Written at the Memorial by Emily Nath.
Written at the Memorial by Carrie Waldron.
Written at the Memorial by Tanner Waldron.
Written at the Memorial by Anonymous.
Written at the Memorial by Trey Wehner
Written at the Memorial by Rohan Khera.
Written at the Memorial by Arthur Richardson.
Written at the Memorial by Penny & Rick
Written at the Memorial by York.
Written at the Memorial by Trish
Written at the Memorial by Dianne
Written at the Memorial by Tim
Written at the Memorial by Greg Wehner.
I wasn’t really in the best position to write when I did so I’m going to try again.
My Grandfather was an amazing man. As so many others have mentioned, he gave the best hugs. Every time I would hug him I didn’t want to let go. We would squeeze each other tight and he would tell me that he “loves me so much” and that I gave the best hugs. I never didn’t feel special around him. He knew all the right words to say without even knowing what was going on in your head.
Grandpa helped shape me into who I am today. He helped boost my confidence by giving me the loveliest compliments, he taught me how to be kind and how to listen. Grandpa taught me to be respectful of nature and others and most of all he REALLY taught me how to be polite. I mean wow, he must have had eyes on the top of his head because there is no way that he could have seen me putting my elbows on the dinner table while looking down at his plate. I used to swear that he was some kind of psychic. Maybe he just knew us that well. When I was younger I never understood why it mattered what manners I had at the table besides chewing with my mouth closed, but looking back now I am so grateful of what he taught me.
He made everyone in his life feel so special, every year on my birthday, and all my other family members birthdays, he would call and sing happy birthday to us in his own style. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to un-hear his voice singing happy birthday or telling me how lovely or pretty I looked. I am so very grateful to be his granddaughter. I couldn’t have asked for a better man to be in my life and there will never be anyone like him.
Thank you all for your kind words, though I’m sure that you have nothing less than words of love for the man I had the absolute pleasure of calling my Grandfather.